Vector vs Bitmap

Bitmap Graphics Vector Graphics Use less processing power than vectors Use more processing power than bitmaps Made up from pixels Made up from lines equations and calculations Individual elements cannot be grouped Individual elements can be grouped Image are less precise than vectors Images are more precise than bitmaps Take up more memory than vectors […]

Analog and Digital

Discuss the differences between analog data vs digital data.   ANALOG DATA DIGITAL DATA 1 Analog devices read the media, such as tapes or record data, by scanning the physical data off the media. Analog record data linearly from one point to another. Analog is pre-digital way of transmitting or storing signal. Digital signal is […]

Elements of Multimedia

The important elements that should be considered in the development of multimedia products consist of five elements. That is : Text: as we noticed, text been the most important and common medium in delivering information and it is also regularly used with others medium like image to deliver the information more effectively. It is also […]

Differentiate the terms of Media, Multi-Media and Multimedia

1. Media: media is defined as a communication medium. It is used to communicate to people and transmit information. For example like newspaper, radio, television and other print publications. Source: 2. Multi-media: multi-media is the meaning of using many forms of several different media in order to convey or explain something like text in […]


assalamualaikum and hye there….. Holiday??? nahh..  we go there not for holiday but for academic purposes. we went to Terengganu and Kelantan under code subject ADE630 art design and society. So basically we go there for an assignment. we go there to accomplish our batik’s project and ukiran kayu. so here are some photos of […]